Why I’m Here

Hey! I’m Meaghan. I’m glad you’re here – I take that to mean you are ready to live your life unapologetically YOU, just like I am working to do.

I consider myself a recovering perfectionist. My whole life I’ve thought I needed to be perfect to feel validated – for people to like me, to make the next career move, to turn in a perfect assignment, to be a perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect daughter…the list goes on. Quite possibly most of all, to have everything in perfect working order before taking any real action on big dreams I have. What I’ve grown to know and trust over the last few years is that by God’s grace, I am not called to be perfect. Perfect is not possible. As crazy as it sounds, perfect is never coming. Little by little, I’m overcoming those perfectionist tendencies.

What hasn’t changed is my desire to help others. I’ve always had a heart to serve (I get it from my Mama!) and so this is where coaching allows me to support others while holding healthy boundaries. To me, coaching is God-calling, fulfilling, inspiring, and motivating! So, here I am…taking action now instead of waiting for everything to line up perfectly because we both know that won’t happen.

Now I want to support you in taking action in your own life and live authentically who you are meant to be!

Let’s Goooo!!

