Feeling Down?

Hey Friend!

As I woke up this morning feeling good and excited about the days ahead I realized that one of you might be feeling down in the dumps today and I wanted to send some encouragement your way. We all have down days which is completely normal and necessary to process. While we need to process these feelings, it’s just as important to help ourselves move forward and keep going.

Those feelings of worthlessness, unmotivated, fatigued, depressed or anxious can really take a toll on our entire body. It can leave us not wanting to get out of bed or accomplish anything with the day. I know for me, all of the things I planned to do suddenly become unimportant and I just ask myself, “what’s the point?”. Feeling down in the dumps really affects our mental well-being also. Do you over analyze everything like which of your friends actually like you, why you didn’t get invited somewhere, is your marriage okay, are you a good Mom? Girl! I get it, I’ve been there (still go there some days) but I’m here to tell you that we have the power to get out of this rut and make the most of our day/life!

So, let’s go! Consider…What do you really enjoy doing in your free time? Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, “free time, what’s that? Doesn’t she know I’m a Mom?” Yes, I know. I also know it’s hard to leave your kiddos for 2 hours because you miss them the minute you leave! But, think back to before having kids, what did you do to have fun? Think of a moment in time where you focused on YOU. Ok, write it down. Write down All.The.Things.

Ok, now add my tips to your list as additional ideas if they aren’t already there:

1. Go for a walk/jog – it doesn’t have to be pretty but there is something about getting outside with the sun and nature that makes you feel good. It makes you think about things more clearly. It makes you sweat out those negative thoughts and emotions. For me, it’s a time I can see God’s beautiful creations and speak to Him. I also enjoy blaring my Lauren Daigle radio and signing out loud! It’s powerful stuff y’all, I’m telling you! A walk is a type of meditation for me.

2. Chug some water – Shoot for 50 ounces to get your blood pumping. This will also help you get some mental clarity back in case you’re dehydrated (often times we don’t feel ourselves when it could be something as simple as needing H20). Grab a big cup with a straw (my quick tip for drinking a lot of water!) and get to it.

3. Read Personal Development (PD) – This is a BIG one! Reading PD gives you hope and inspiration. It brings positivity and purpose to your life. I didn’t realize how important reading PD daily was until I went without it for a while and just didn’t feel the same. I was more snippy, negative, anxious and depressed. The days I get it in are the days I start off with gratefulness and joy in my heart. Those are the days I’m most kind and patient with my girls. Two of my favorites are Love Your Life Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze and Failing Forward by John Maxwell, you can likely rent them at your local library.

4. Take a Social media break – Ugh! I said it! This might be a tough one for some. But in all honesty, social media WILL bring on negative feelings in some way or another. If you don’t ever feel angry, worthless, or sad, then maybe it robs you of your contentment in life. Do you scroll mindlessly and wish to have things that others do? A new car, a romantic significant other that sends you chocolate and runs you a bubble bath, a vacation… a life not your own? I’m guilty of it too, we are human. I recently took at 3 month social media hiatus (even longer for some platforms) and it was wonderful! I was happier, less anxious, more productive and more present with my family. Don’t get me wrong, social media can be positive too if you’re able to shut out those negatives and only focus on the positives. I do love being able to share family photos to our distant family as if they are here with us every day. I also get local event information that I wouldn’t receive without social media. I’ve always been an all or nothing type of person (black and white) but I’m trying hard and intentionally to live life on a spectrum of balance. I encourage you to try this for a week or a month and see how you feel while you’re making real person connections instead of through a computer/phone screen. Oh and when you see that screen time notification decrease, it’s invigorating!

5. Help someone in need – This is a sure fire way to make you feel good. Be selfless. Join your neighborhood care group (or start one), partner with your church to deliver meals to your community or help your elderly grandparents with yard work. Something, anything, that brings joy to someone other than yourself. One charity my oldest daughter and I recently helped was Sleep in Heavenly Peace. They build beds for children in need. Even at 6 she was able to put nuts and bolts together amongst other small tasks. You can also choose to help deliver/setup the beds to the families. They have chapters all over the U.S., check out their website to see if there is one near you!

Now, take this list of tips and post it on your mirror, in your car, on the fridge, somewhere you’ll see it every day. I say this because the “out of sight, out of mind,” when you’re going through a rough patch because you will quickly forget the tips and goals and give up and give in to unhealthy habits. So make your list visible!

Alright, so now you have things you can do when you’re feeling low. I’m not going to say that my ways are the only ways because honestly I’m not a very extroverted person, I am a homebody. So for me doing small things by myself or with family satisfies me. For you, maybe you’re more extroverted than me and your idea of fun is going to a concert, hanging out with friends 2 hours a way or taking an art class. That’s totally cool and you should do what makes you feel good about yourself!

I can’t wait to hear about what you accomplish! You do You!

Talk Soon,

